Episode 9 - A Wind in the Door, by Madeleine L'Engle
Soothing, terrifying, and utterly glorious, A Wind in the Door made us feel all kinds of things. If you're looking for an incredibly detailed discussion of fictional bodies within mitochondria and whether boy geniuses are more annoying than valuable, well, you've come to the right place. We cover how this book helped form our understandings of life, death, and fewmets, and get more than a little metaphysical along the way. If you're struggling through these bleak winter months, the Murrays' hot chocolate (made over a bunsen burner) is sure to help.
Proginoskes Second Life Video -
A selection of farandolae fanart -
Art by tiffso, divinedecedance, and ogamagirl (L-R).
The Toast article (i.e. a better discussion of this book by far more learnèd adults) - http://the-toast.net/2015/03/09/three-adults-discuss-wind-door-seriously-length/